Product Overview
This book is about the anthropic epoch and the extinction vortex we are witnessing. Currently a mass extinction of species is occuring. At the same time a mass extinction of languages and cultures is also occurring. These two mass extictions, biological and cultural, are linked. Currently, transhumanists hope against hope to upload their minds into virtual reality to escape death. Both extinctions and the plan to escape them by uploading our minds into computer networks are rooted in a narcisstic delusion of immortal self-actualization. This is a pathetic death-defying delusion of late modernity - hypertrophic selfishness. The common denoninator is a particular culture that has become dominant, spreading across the globe. As it transcends the world-system. This is the abusrdity of the most profound delusional accomplishment of the anthropic epoch, the extinction vortex. The more powerful and indivudualistic we become the more power we crave, and the faster the extinction vortex spins us with it.