Product Overview
The Motley Fool Web site at is the most popular Internet site devoted to investing. It aims to cut through the jargon so beloved of financial professionals, and enable you to beat the experts and invest effectively.Investing money may seem ridiculous for people who have just graduated from university, started their first job or are simply hard up. But it is possible and the Fools can light the way.Following the phenomenal success of The Motley Fool UK Investment Guide, the Fools are designing this book especially to meet the needs of people who would never normally consider investing. It will help students, people starting work and those with restricted incomes to:*Set priorities for paying off debts*Get in a position to invest*Learn about investing before rushing into any commitments*Translate baffling jargon and terms*Start investing without using expensive professionals*Weigh up the benefits of renting against buying a property*Use the Internet on a budget