Product Overview
Studies confirm what avid journalers have always known: that writing about difficult experience helps the writer move forward. Many self-help books recommend journaling as a way to express emotions and explore past hurts as well as to simply get organized, make plans, and set goals yet few of the books offer advice in how to do it. In Journalution, Sandy Grason combines the writing guidance of Julia Cameron with the emotional nurturing of Shakti Gawain. With chapters including Completing Your Incompletions, Masterminding Your Destiny, and Communicating with a Higher Power, the book balances basic instruction in the art of journaling with intimate entries from the author and her workshop participants. Activities, such as keeping a dream log and timed stream-of-consciousness writing exercises, follow each chapter. Throughout, Grason offers guidelines and prompts, encouraging readers to pick up the pen and journal their way to greater self-awareness.