Product Overview
In the early 1930s, when the country was in the throes of the Great Depression, a drought devastated the American Midwest, expelling from their farms tens of thousands of farmers who were forced to migrate in search of work. It is calculated that almost 150 thousand Americans wandered the roads of California, offering their services as temporary workers for the harvest. In spite of their having been necessary in order to collect all the crops, the localsreceived them with hatred and disdain, calling them ignorant, dirty, and carriers of disease. John Steinbeck, then a promising young writer, wrote a series of articles on these migrantworkers, published in 1936 in the San Francisco News.
A comienzos de los aos treinta, cuando el pas atravesaba la Gran Depresin, una persistente sequa asol el medio oeste de los Estados Unidos, expulsando de sus granjas a decenas de miles de campesinos que se vieron obligados a emigrar en busca de trabajo. Se calcula que cerca de150 mil norteamericanos vagaban por las carreteras del estado de California ofrecindose como temporeros para la cosecha. A pesar de ser imprescindibles para llevar a cabo la recoleccin, eran recibidos con odio y menosprecio por los habitantes de las localidades por donde pasaban, tachados de ignorantes, sucios y portadores de enfermedades. John Steinbeck, entonces un prometedor escritor, los retrat en una serie de reportajes aparecidos en 1936 enel San Francisco News.