Product Overview
Growing up, I had no experience in dealing with children. I didn't have baby-sitting experience, and I didn't have friends who had little siblings. When I gave birth to my first child I had a horrible revelation: This child came with no owner's manual! I didn't know what to do. This realization, along with my desire to be the best Mom possible, kicked off my search for information on how to raise good children. I began reading, and listening to audio tapes, and questioning others who had older children. I came to understand that having good children is not enough to ensure a child's success in life. I found out that I needed to equip my children with a foundation that would enable them to grow up making right choices. My children are now in their 20's, and each is following a path that fits who they are. My oldest daughter, a public school teacher, has taken the principles contained in this book and used them to produce healthy communities of first and second graders who thrive in thier individual giftings. It works! And if you put it to work, it will work for you, too.